cold beer warm day


Utepils is the feeling that comes from drinking a cold beer on the first sunny and warm day of the year.

This emotional concept was first conceived of in Norway, where the wait for a day warm enough to summon utepils is especially long. In Minneapolis, however, Bryn Mawr Brewing articulates the feeling in English:

“For us, Utepils is less of an act and more of an emotion. The only thing longer than a Minnesota winter is the list of things to do once the snow finally melts. Anyone that has lived in this state from November to April can relate to the anticipation of rejoining a former self under the sun. Even stronger than this six-month anticipation is the state-of-mind that comes with the year’s first bike ride, lawn mowing, or drive with the windows down. We believe that Utepils is this same emotion evoked by a cold beer shared with friends.”

Take care with your utepils, however, lest it lead to Morkkis.