Tag: suffering



I can still remember what it was like when the Windows 95 operating system came out. I was a Mac user at the time, but Apple was regarded back then as a pathetic… more emotion Tantalized



The best way to prevent suicide is not with suicide hotlines and counselors. The best way to prevent suicide is create a more compassionate society that helps people in pain before they get to the point of wanting to kill themselves.

Sǐ Bù Míng Mù

Sǐ Bù Míng Mù

Time does not heal all wounds. It causes some wounds to fester and spread.



When we are relieved, we move about with greater ease, enjoying the freedom that comes with the loss of our burdens.



The future is always there, some physicists say. It is as real as the present, as material as the road a mile ahead of us, inaccessible to us in the moment, but a… more emotion Doom

unrequited love

La Douleur Exquise

Some emotions are subtle, like hints of fragrance in the air or sounds so soft that we wonder if we have merely imagined hearing them. La douleur exquise is not like this. It… more emotion La Douleur Exquise

miserable russian


Vladimir Nobokov wrote that “No single word in English renders all the shades of toska.” That’s not just because English speakers lack the specific emotional concept of toska, but also because toska is… more emotion Toska



Emotions are much more than just simple biological reactions. They’re culturally-embedded concepts that don’t exist universally, but are experienced as subtle subjectivities that are often difficult to explain. The feeling of abhimaan is… more emotion Abhimaan

Donald Trump drinking water schadenfreude


Schadenfreude takes delight in the misery of others not because of a simple sadism, but because people feel despair when people with power can inflict cruelty without fear of consequences.

long road emotion


This week, our journey into greater emotional granularity follows the path of pilgrimage, the purposeful mindset of traveling that seeks the happenstance of insight before the concrete goal of the destination is achieved…. more emotion Weary