Tag: destruction


Burned Out

Burnout is about becoming a wreck because of the very fury with which we once felt devoured by the task at hand.



There are few survivors who can tell us what it feels like to actually drown. The feeling of drowning, however, is familiar to many. A drowning person is still conscious, still has some… more emotion Drowning



There are times we feel in decline. Our luck fails us. Our abilities drop. We feel ourselves falling into bad patterns. These bad times are nothing compared to a freefall. When we’re in… more emotion Freefall

the call of the void

L’Appel du Vide

If you have stood on the top of a skyscraper or climbed a high mountain to emerge at the edge of a steep cliff, the chances are good that you have experienced the… more emotion L’Appel du Vide

earth emotions


It has become a common request in the course of a discussion to say, “Please, let’s not go there.” It’s a way of indicating that we would rather not visit an uncomfortable topic… more emotion Topoaversion

Ilinx Emotion vortex


To feel the emotion of ilinx is to experience a kind of temporary turbulence that provokes a disorientation reaching down to the very core of our sense of self in the world. Is… more emotion Ilinx