Tag: society

fish out of water

Fish Out Of Water

If only one had been born in a different place or time, life would make sense, and one’s best qualities would be apparent to everyone.



People want to find a place where they belong, a place that equally belongs to them. It feels wretched to be in exile, but few people grow up, live, and die in the… more emotion Unsettled

off kilter

Off Kilter

What if most people spend most of their time feeling off kilter, but try to hide their emotional imbalance out of a sense of shame and isolation?



Compassion is felt most often in spite of formal ethical education, rather than because of it. As an emotion, it exists most authentically because of what we feel to be right, regardless of what we’ve been taught to think.



Engentado is the feeling that happens before jomo, after an unwise fomo. It’s the emotion of being confined by the presence of people all around you, desperate to find some way to escape,… more emotion Engentado