
Stirred Up

To be in turmoil is to feel mixed up. To feel turbid is akin to being immersed in murky water filled with sediments disturbed from the below. These emotions share the metaphorical foundation of roiling currents of water. Neither, however, is quite same thing as feeling stirred up.

Words are not simple codes designed to communicate straightforward information. They’re complex tools that allow people to speak playfully with multiple meanings, each of which can be plausibly denied. So it is that a single physical metaphor can spawn a variety of emotional expressions.

To be stirred up is to feel aroused from stillness, as if one had been sleeping. This feeling is unlike turibidity or turmoil, however, in that it is not murky or conflicted. When people feel stirred up, they know what they want, and are in the mood to act on their desires.