wigged out

Wigged Out

You’re a stable, sensible person… except when something unexpected drives you beyond reason. You have perfect self-control, until you’re wigged out.

When you’re wigged out, you just can’t handle things any more. You’re incapable of restraining yourself. You have no choice. A sudden surge of emotion inside you erupts, and for a while, you can only be a witness to your own insanity. It’s said that the phrase “wig out” comes from the 1950s, when jazz musicians played with the phrase “flip your wig”, slang for temporary insanity.

What wigs a person out? Every person has their own triggers. One person might get wigged out walking past a room with a creepy doll in it. A junior designer might get wigged out when confronted with the task of Pantone color matching. Someone who happens upon their romantic partner’s social media posts from a previous relationship could also get wigged out. A bad acid trip can also do the job.

To be wigged out is a temporary departure from self-control, rather than a persistent sense of delusion or anxiety. People who feel wigged out have been knocked off balance, but can right themselves again, so long as they don’t do something dangerous while they’re out of control.

Online, the WiggedOut.com domain has been registered, but the web site itself has never been assembled. There’s just a long term “coming soon” notice on display. Is that because the owner of WiggedOut.com is too wigged out to get their act together and focus on the simple act of designing even a simple online experience? Probably not. A more enduring problem is to blame.

Fortunately, the feeling of being wigged out always fades before long. A wig can usually be straightened after it has flipped.