Tag: travel

Road Rage

Road Rage

When the burdens of the road meet the other troubles of life, road rage erupts. Traveling in one-ton vehicles at a mile a minute, the consequences of this emotional break are often deadly.



Distraction can be a momentary thing, a glitch in our concentration, an external interference that grabs our attention until we pull it back to what we were doing before. Such a distraction is… more emotion Distraction

trippy emotion


A trippy feeling is the awareness that one’s perception of reality has come untethered from its ordinary foundations. It’s an altered state of consciousness which is commonly associated with the use of psychoactive… more emotion Trippy

Tarab musical emotion


Tarab is a purposeful movement, telling the story of how a person can shift from one emotional truth into another.



most people don’t want to acknowledge the awkward path as something that even exists. They feel more comfortable imagining that they live in a world that’s set out along a grid defined by easy binaries: Left and right, to and fro

Arrival Barack Obama


The emotional granularity of the experience of a pilgrimage formed a trio her a month ago, moving from trepidation into weariness, then reviving into a second wind. Of course, that couldn’t be the… more emotion Arrived

long grass abschiedsschmerz


This evening, a new episode of the podcast This Human Business will come online. The subject of this episode is the development of a new metaphor for business to replace the traditional industrialist… more emotion Abschiedsschmerz

Trepidation emotion


This week’s episode of the podcast This Human Business deals with the cultural practice of pilgrimage in commercial culture. So, for the rest of this week, I will be surveying the emotions that… more emotion Trepidation

far away


Today, I am driving to the end of the northernmost paved road in all of Canada. It reaches all the way up to the side of St. James Bay, the dramatic dimple dipping… more emotion Distant

flying shame


If you’re told that something is “a crying shame”, the tone is a bit dismissive, as if to say that yes, things are bad, but that nothing can be done about it. The… more emotion Flygskam