Tag: technology



I can still remember what it was like when the Windows 95 operating system came out. I was a Mac user at the time, but Apple was regarded back then as a pathetic… more emotion Tantalized

Zoom fatigue

Zoom Fatigue

A few weeks after the COVID-19 shutdowns began, people began to articulate a new emotional concept: Zoom fatigue. At first, those who were new to working from home marveled at how much they… more emotion Zoom Fatigue



When we seek out human company, but the people around us turn to their smartphones rather than interacting with us, we feel phubbed. It’s a momentary insult, but we can get over it…. more emotion Phoneliness

Uncategorized emotion

Out of Sorts

Being out of sorts isn’t really the same thing as feeling discombobulated or the emotion of ilinx. Ilinx refers to a specific feeling of exhilarated disorientation that comes from being spun around and… more emotion Out of Sorts



The Meeting Place, a sculpture by Paul Day at the St. Pancras rail station in London, has been criticized by some as being too schmaltzy. The main part of the statue shows a… more emotion Phubbed

iPhone addiction emotion


There will come a day when people will look back at the use of smartphones in our time much in the same way that we look back on the use of lead in… more emotion Nomophobia

Technology mimics humanity

The Uncanny Valley

In 1970, the robotics professor Masahiro Mori articulated the feeling of the uncanny valley, an emotional reaction against unsentient objects that have been designed to mimic human beings. While people can feel quite… more emotion The Uncanny Valley