Tag: pleasure



It’s a delightful, uncontrollable response. It’s like an orgasm of the mind that bursts through the body.

unrequited love

La Douleur Exquise

Some emotions are subtle, like hints of fragrance in the air or sounds so soft that we wonder if we have merely imagined hearing them. La douleur exquise is not like this. It… more emotion La Douleur Exquise

Lack of pleasure


Anhedonia is the realization that experiences that once brought pleasure no longer do.



The cursing students were also able to keep their hands in the cold water for an average of 40 percent longer than the others.

Donald Trump drinking water schadenfreude


Schadenfreude takes delight in the misery of others not because of a simple sadism, but because people feel despair when people with power can inflict cruelty without fear of consequences.