Tag: identity
People who feel shame often feel guilty, but shame is distinct from guilt. Whereas guilt is the feeling of having done a bad thing, shame is the emotion of being bad, as a… more emotion Shame
Confident people don’t hesitate, because they feel that they know exactly what they’re getting themselves into.
The pain of embarrassment come from the gap between what the embarrassed person would like to believe about who they are, and what they have been seen to be.
Who is to say which version of ourselves is the mask?
There are things that we’ll do for as long as we live because they suit our nature. Every day, for example, I take some time aside from my work to look off into… more emotion Devotion
A still mountain lake, reflecting the peaks and forests around it, like a mirror, unperturbed by any wind: This is the image that comes to mind to define the emotion of tranquility. Another… more emotion Tranquility
It’s a word constructed in imitation of a disease, but everyone understands that senioritis is not a physical malady. It’s an expected step in the psychological transition from childhood to young adulthood in… more emotion Senioritis
I am currently living a year without a smartphone. At the end of 2018, I pledged that I would spend all of 2019 without using my iPhone, or any other digital device with… more emotion Temptation
To feel the emotion of ilinx is to experience a kind of temporary turbulence that provokes a disorientation reaching down to the very core of our sense of self in the world. Is… more emotion Ilinx