Tag: french

unrequited love

La Douleur Exquise

Some emotions are subtle, like hints of fragrance in the air or sounds so soft that we wonder if we have merely imagined hearing them. La douleur exquise is not like this. It… more emotion La Douleur Exquise



The emotions of jealousy and envy both cast a hungry eye, but with different appetites. In 1993, social psychologists W. Gerrod Parrott and Richard H. Smith conducted a study into the perceived differences… more emotion Envy

shocked emotion


Whereas a surprise can be unsettling and confusing, the emotion of shock is associated with the possibility of actual physical harm.

Ilinx Emotion vortex


To feel the emotion of ilinx is to experience a kind of temporary turbulence that provokes a disorientation reaching down to the very core of our sense of self in the world. Is… more emotion Ilinx