Tag: ephemeral

mono no aware

Mono No Aware

The petals flutter to the earth to rejoin the soil in even the slightest breeze. There is beauty in their falling for just a few moments. Then, it is over.



The word glad used to refer to something of exceptionally pleasant quality, even to the point of shining in the joy it provoked. These days, however, the emotional concept of feeling glad is… more emotion Glad



The end of my marriage had been lurking for quite some time, but like a country mouse who has been advised never to appear nervous when walking city streets, I pretended for as… more emotion Estranged

Xibipiio liminality


Xibipiio expresses the sensation of something flickering in and out of existence, like a shaft of light piercing a thick but wavering canopy, a wave rising and falling on a river, or a visitor arriving and then leaving again.