Tag: change



There are people who will say that stubbornness is a character flaw, but the people who hold this opinion are those who don’t want people to be the way they are.



It can be easy to sink into a rut, to follow familiar paths simply because we know where they go. Every now and then, however a mood comes upon us in which we… more emotion Novaturience

Xibipiio liminality


Xibipiio expresses the sensation of something flickering in and out of existence, like a shaft of light piercing a thick but wavering canopy, a wave rising and falling on a river, or a visitor arriving and then leaving again.

stop walking traffic sign


I’m in the middle of producing the second season of my podcast, This Human Business, and I’ve got mixed feelings about how it’s going. On the one hand, I feel confident that I’m… more emotion Negative